We provide a range of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) services, including single particle analysis and tomography, with a primary focus on high-resolution protein structure determination, structure-based epitope mapping, and nanoparticle quality control (including lipid nanoparticles and virus-like particles).
We leverage proprietary technologies, such as custom cryo-EM grids and image processing software, alongside state-of-the-art cryo-electron microscopes equipped with automated data collection software (EPU Multigrid, SerialEM). Our advanced microscopy capabilities include:
Thanks to our proprietary grid technologies, we effectively address common cryo-EM sample preparation challenges, such as preferred particle orientation, protein complex disassembly, low sample yields, and uneven nanoparticle distribution, ensuring high-quality results in single particle analysis and nanoparticle quality control.
Once a high-quality protein sample has been obtained, there are still a few obstacles to overcome. One of the key challenges is preparing an optimal cryo-EM grid, where the protein sample is evenly distributed across the grid holes with maximal angular diversity. To streamline this optimization process, we can leverage the PUXANO cryo-EM grid portfolio—a collection of proprietary cryo-EM grids developed by our nanoengineers to address specific issues in cryo-sample preparation.
Some of the challenges we can resolve include preferred particle orientation, handling protein concentrations below 0.2 mg/ml, and preventing protein complex disassembly. Because of this, our technology enables access to protein samples that are typically challenging with standard grid methods.
During the screening phase, we will apply your sample to various grid types and use a medium-end microscope to evaluate which conditions and grid types yield the best results. Thanks to our advanced cryo-EM grid hardware, we have precise control over factors that influence particle behavior, allowing us to limit the screening process to just one iteration.
The screening process includes several grid variations, and for the best-performing grid, we will collect data overnight. This allows us to process the data early, yielding 2D class averages or a preliminary medium-resolution 3D density map.
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